1. Online Raffles Legal
  2. Are Online Raffles Legal In Texas
  3. Are Raffles Legal In Virginia

National Rifle Association

Benefactor Member, Certified NRA Instructor in Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Home Firearm Safety, and Personal Protection in the Home, NRA Range Safety Officer

(d) A raffle is not authorized by this chapter unless the organization: (1) has the prize to be offered in the raffle in its possession or ownership; or (2) posts bond with the county clerk of the county in which the raffle is to be held for the full amount of the money value of the prize. Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch.

Texas State Rifle Association

Defender Member

  • Feb 10, 2021 Texas currently has some of the strictest gambling laws in the country, but there are a few exceptions where the practice is allowed, such as bingo, the state lottery, and at horse or greyhound.
  • The laws regarding gambling in Texas are somewhat complex. This is due, in part, to the fact that gambling can take many forms and occur in many places. It’s helpful to take a broad view of the situation and then take a closer look at some of the specifics of Texas gambling laws. According to Section 47.02 of the Texas Penal Code, gambling is.
  • In Texas, gambling is illegal in almost all forms. But you’d never know it driving down Business 77 in Willacy County. It cuts through a rural area of the Rio Grande Valley, but bares a passing resemblance to Las Vegas. It’s a headache for law enforcement, but a remedy could be on the way.

National Skeet Shooting Association

Life Member

Texas State Skeet Shooters Association

Life Member, Texas C-Class High-Over-All Skeet Champion (2003)

Capitol City Trap & Skeet Club, Austin, Texas

Life Member

Boy Scouts of America, Capitol Area Council

Merit Badge Counselor for Rifle Shooting and Shotgun Shooting Merit Badges

Silencer Sports LLC (Class 3 Dealer)


Online raffles legal

Texas State Raffle

Texas State Raffle Regulations

Qualified organizations may hold up to two raffles per calendar year, with certain specified restrictions.

In general, a qualified organization is:

  1. A nonprofit association organized primarily for religious purposes that has been in existence in Texas for at least 10 years;
  1. A nonprofit volunteer emergency medical service that does not pay its members other than nominal compensation;
  2. A nonprofit volunteer fire department that operates fire-fighting equipment, provides fire-fighting services, and does not pay its members other than nominal compensation; or
  3. A nonprofit organization that has existed for at least three preceding years and is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c), Internal Revenue Code; does not distribute any of its income to its members, officers or governing body; does not devote a substantial part of its activities to attempting to influence legislation; and does not participate in any political campaign.

A qualified organization may offer any prize except money.

A qualified organization may hold only two raffles per calendar year and only one raffle at a time.


To find the actual state law, you must follow the link from the summary, where such a link exists, or call your state offices(not us)and request information directly.

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