1. Yo Bet Craps Play
  2. Yo Bet Craps
  1. Players who have placed a C & E bet collect whenever the next dice roll results in a total of either the Craps numbers 2, 3, and 12 or 11 (Yo-Leven). The built-in advantage for C & E bets is once again 11.11% but payouts might differ depending on which one of the four numbers is rolled.
  2. The yo eleven bet in craps is one of the most popular wagers in the game of Craps. The number 11 is what must be rolled in order for the casino player to win. This particular wager is only good for the specific roll. If the casino player is able to win on.

Craps (version 2) - Part 3 of 5: Video for the new Craps tutorials, Sucker Bets. AUG 7 Vegas 2066: Fiction about a reclusive individual fifty years in the future and how the game of craps opens him up to the possibilities in the, 'Real world' JUL 29 Craps (version 2) - Part 2 of 5: Part 2 Video for the new Craps tutorials.

I am faced with crying times with this ALL TALL SMALL. with 40 rolls and no twelve yet. Please recommend me with a new approach. I don't think there is a better place to get the answer i'm searching for.
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of placement and arrangement of space to achieve harmony with the environment.
Thanks for this post from:

I am faced with crying times with this ALL TALL SMALL. with 40 rolls and no twelve yet. Please recommend me with a new approach. I don't think there is a better place to get the answer i'm searching for.

1) Set the dice with crossed sixes on top.
2) Rub your fingers on the felt slowly at least twice.
3) Gently pick up the dice with three fingers only.
4) Shout “Come on boxcars! Baby needs a new pair of shoes!! Hard twelve one time!!!”

Yo Bet Craps Play

5) Forcefully launch the dice with a 25 degree loft and 2x revolution backspin angular velocity.
This technique works for me.*
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.

Yo Bet Craps

Thanks for this post from:
I don't typically play the side bets, but when I do, it is usually the All Small Tall bet. I see it hit much more often then the other side bets. So there is reason to believe that this can happen to someone several times a day.
Here is what I would do and the reasons why:
- 300 risked
- 3,000 is already won and locked away.
- 2 is needed prior to a 7 to win 18,000
- prior point was made so you are on a come out roll
My play assuming any 7 pays 5-1, if its 4-1 I would adjust a bit:
- Come out roll bet 10,000 on the DC, 700 on the 11 (Yo), 2500 on any 7, 100 on the 12
- if the 2 comes!!, you win the DC and the All bets but lose 7, 11, 12 bets (18,000 + 10,000-3,300 = 24,700)
- if the 3 comes, you win the DC and lose the yo, 12, and any 7 .. still alive (10,000-3,300 = 6,700)
- if the 11 comes, you cover your DC bet but lose your 7, 12 bets .. still alive (10,500-10,000-2,600 = -2,100)
- if the 12 comes, you lose your DC and Yo bet..still alive (3,000 - 3,200 = -200)
- if the 7 comes, you win any 7 bet and lose DC, Yo, and 12 bets (12,500 -10,000-800 = 1,700)
In the above scenarios, you are pretty well hedged positioned to win in all possible ways accept the Yo. If none of the above numbers are rolled on the come out , then you lost the any 7, yo, and 12 bets (-3,300) but you still have the 10,000 on the DC and you are positioned to win regardless of what the come out number is . You only care about the 2 or 7 at this point.
- if the 2 comes, you win the All bet .. Congrats, at this point you have only lost out 3,300 from the any 7, Yo, and 12 for an aggregate profit of 14,700 (18,000 - 3,300). Your 10,000 DC is still up. You can take that down or even take half away if you want and let it ride.
- if the 7 comes , you win your DC minus your initial any 7, Yo, and 12 bets for an aggregate profit of 6700 (10,000-3,300 = 6,700)
With this played out scenario you basically guarantee yourself a profit of either 14,700 or 6,700.. Give or take depending on the come out scenarios. If the yo comes a few times in a row on the come out, that will take away from the profit.. rethinking.. I may even put an extra 100 or 200 on the yo on come out roll.
I understand people like to go for the home run and think hedging is foolish. I disagree in scenarios where you can guarantee yourself a Win , whereas the probability of the home run play is very low ( 2 is .027 chance of hitting (1 in 36) If the probability of winning were to be much greater, say 50% or more, than I may not hedge depending on the risk/payout ratio.
Yo mentioned that this happens often... perhaps 5 times already or 5x a day... never hitting that last 2 number. always 7 out. if you lock in the 6,700 win each time . 5 x 6700 = 33,500. It adds up over time.
good luck!

I don't typically play the side bets, but when I do, it is usually the All Small Tall bet. I see it hit much more often then the other side bets. So there is reason to believe that this can happen to someone several times a day.
Here is what I would do and the reasons why:
- 300 risked
- 3,000 is already won and locked away.
- 2 is needed prior to a 7 to win 18,000
- prior point was made so you are on a come out roll
My play assuming any 7 pays 5-1, if its 4-1 I would adjust a bit:
- Come out roll bet 10,000 on the DC, 700 on the 11 (Yo), 2500 on any 7, 100 on the 12
- if the 2 comes!!, you win the DC and the All bets but lose 7, 11, 12 bets (18,000 + 10,000-3,300 = 24,700)
- if the 3 comes, you win the DC and lose the yo, 12, and any 7 .. still alive (10,000-3,300 = 6,700)
- if the 11 comes, you cover your DC bet but lose your 7, 12 bets .. still alive (10,500-10,000-2,600 = -2,100)
- if the 12 comes, you lose your DC and Yo bet..still alive (3,000 - 3,200 = -200)
- if the 7 comes, you win any 7 bet and lose DC, Yo, and 12 bets (12,500 -10,000-800 = 1,700)
In the above scenarios, you are pretty well hedged positioned to win in all possible ways accept the Yo. If none of the above numbers are rolled on the come out , then you lost the any 7, yo, and 12 bets (-3,300) but you still have the 10,000 on the DC and you are positioned to win regardless of what the come out number is . You only care about the 2 or 7 at this point.
- if the 2 comes, you win the All bet .. Congrats, at this point you have only lost out 3,300 from the any 7, Yo, and 12 for an aggregate profit of 14,700 (18,000 - 3,300). Your 10,000 DC is still up. You can take that down or even take half away if you want and let it ride.
- if the 7 comes , you win your DC minus your initial any 7, Yo, and 12 bets for an aggregate profit of 6700 (10,000-3,300 = 6,700)
With this played out scenario you basically guarantee yourself a profit of either 14,700 or 6,700.. Give or take depending on the come out scenarios. If the yo comes a few times in a row on the come out, that will take away from the profit.. rethinking.. I may even put an extra 100 or 200 on the yo on come out roll.
I understand people like to go for the home run and think hedging is foolish. I disagree in scenarios where you can guarantee yourself a Win , whereas the probability of the home run play is very low ( 2 is .027 chance of hitting (1 in 36) If the probability of winning were to be much greater, say 50% or more, than I may not hedge depending on the risk/payout ratio.
Yo mentioned that this happens often... perhaps 5 times already or 5x a day... never hitting that last 2 number. always 7 out. if you lock in the 6,700 win each time . 5 x 6700 = 33,500. It adds up over time.
good luck!

You are missing the scenario where point is established and made before a 2 is rolled and you are out the DC and all your other bets, and back to square one on the All All.
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.

You are missing the scenario where point is established and made before a 2 is rolled and you are out the DC and all your other bets, and back to square one on the All All.

You are absolutely right. My apologies. I was rushing to a meeting and did not think about that scenario. Shame on me. I will rethink this later.
'Winners hit n run... Losers stick around'

My play assuming any 7 pays 5-1, if its 4-1 I would adjust a bit:

Yo Bet CrapsJust about every craps table I have seen the any7 pays 5 for 1 or 4 to 1. (different in England)
sure hope you agree and if not your ignorance (lack of knowledge or information.) is showing on that matter.
Quote: WatchMeWin

- Come out roll bet 10,000 on the DC,

a DC bet is not allowed on the come out roll. never seen it, table or machine.
what tables do you play at that allow this?
the don't pass is allowed on the comeout roll.
I guess (could be wrong) you never really make these bets.
I have made many Lay bets over the years and find that almost 100% of players have no clue what they are.
I also agree you did not leave room for the point to be hit.
Yo Bet Craps

Just about every craps table I have seen the any7 pays 5 for 1 or 4 to 1. (different in England)
sure hope you agree and if not your ignorance (lack of knowledge or information.) is showing on that matter.
a DC bet is not allowed on the come out roll. never seen it, table or machine.
what tables do you play at that allow this?
the don't pass is allowed on the comeout roll.
I guess (could be wrong) you never really make these bets.
I have made many Lay bets over the years and find that almost 100% of players have no clue what they are.
I also agree you did not leave room for the point to be hit.

I assumed he meant DP.
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.

I assumed he meant DP.

U t correct. Of course. .. i meant DP.
'Winners hit n run... Losers stick around'
Thanks for this post from:

You are absolutely right. My apologies. I was rushing to a meeting and did not think about that scenario. Shame on me. I will rethink this later.

This was a really interesting post/scenario. The final answer is...... enjoy the 3000 you already won and hope for the best on hitting the 2. Lol. Unless you could somehow find some place that would allow you to lay the 2, theres no significant guarantee hedge worth while.
'Winners hit n run... Losers stick around'
I am thankful for your response. There are many opportunities for hedging on the ALL TALL SMALL. I have experience at least 3 and 4 time per hour to lay 4,5,6,8,9,10 against one of the sides SMALL or TALL with $100 bet. Much appreciation for the many wizards here. Thank you.
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of placement and arrangement of space to achieve harmony with the environment.

Here’s a rundown of all the various bets in craps…

(A) Pass Line

This is the basic bet that most players make, and it’s actually one of the bestbets on the layout, with a house edge of only 1.41%. Ifyou want an easy game then you can simply stick to this bet and ignore all the otherbets. (Though to get the best chances of winning, you should really learn the Free Odds bet too.)

(B) Field Bet

This wager good for ANY single roll of the dice at ANY time. The player wins evenmoney if a 3, 4, 9, 10, or 11 is rolled. On most tables a 2 pays double and 12 paystriple. The player loses if a 5, 6, 7, or 8 is thrown. The house edge is a modest2.77% — there are better and worse bets.

(C) Come Bet

A “virtual” Pass Line bet. It’s just like the Pass Line but can be made at any time,almost ALWAYS in the middle of a round when a point has already been established.

(D) Place Bets:

The Place Bet is basically an “on-demand Point”. The player is betting that thePlaced number will roll before a 7 rolls. This bet can be made at any time, butis usually made after a point number is already established. It’s paid as follows:

Number bet onPaysExampleHouse Edge
4 or 109 to 5a $5 bet is paid $96.7%
5 or 97 to 5a $5 bet is paid $74%
6 or 87 to 6a $6 bet is paid $71.5%

A “Buy” bet is the same as the place bet, only with a different payoff. When youBuy a point you pay a 5% commission and are paid true odds if the bet wins (2:1on the 4 and 10, 3:2 on the 5 and 9, and 6:5 on the 6 and 8). The house edge onBuy bets is 4.76%, making the Buy a better deal than thePlace bet on the 4 or 10, and a worse deal on any other numbers.

Some casinos take the 5% commission only on a win In such cases the houseedge for Buying the 4 or 10 is only 1.67%.

(E) Proposition Bets:

These bets can be made on any roll of the dice.

Any Craps – 2, 3, or 12Pays 8 for 1
Any SevenPays 5 for 1
ElevenPays 16 for 1*
Ace-DeucePays 16 for 1*
AcesPays 31 for 1*
TwelvePays 31 for 1*
These bets pay LESS on “Strip” table layouts.
Downtown casinos pay better.

The house edge on prop bets ranges between 11.1% and 16.67%. If your folly requires you to make prop bets thenyou should at least find a table layout with Downtown odds in order to reduce theridiculous House advantage, though even then it’s still throwing money away.

(F) Free Odds on the Pass Line:

After a point has been established, the player can increase a pass line bet by “takingodds”. Free Odds bets are paid according to the TRUE ODDS of the dice, meaning thatthese bets carry NO HOUSE EDGE, which is why they’re called”Free” Odds. This is the only bet in the casino where the odds aren’t against you.For any given amount of money that you intend to bet on Craps, you want the highestpercentage possible on the Free Odds. Herein lies the reasonwhy you should shop for a casino that offers 5X, 10X, 20X or 100X table odds!

The Free Odds bet is placed behind the pass line or original “Flat” bet. Each pointnumber pays different odds.

The PointPayoutExample
4 and 102 to 1a $5 wager is paid $10
5 and 93 to 2a $5 wager is paid $7*
6 and 86 to 5a $5 wager is paid $6
* Rounded DOWN from $7.50 on a Strip table layout. “Downtown” layout might pay actualratio of a full $7.50. Strip table layouts do not handle 50-cent pieces.

We have a whole separate article dedicated to the Free Oddsbet.

(G) Free Odds on Come Bets:

Odds on come bets can be made exactly the same way as odds on pass line bets, exceptthat the player hands the Odds bet to the dealer who will place it on the numberrolled and on TOP of the original Flat bet. Just like the regular Odds bet, theOdds on the Come Bet also carries no house edge.

(H) Don’t Pass Line:

This bet is the same as a pass line bet only in reverse. If the first roll is 7or 11, the player loses, 2 or 3 wins and 12 is a push or what is called a “Bar”(neither wins or loses). Most people bet the Pass instead of the Don’t Pass, soif you bet the Don’t you may be viewed as an enemy by the other players. The houseedge is 1.36%.

Don’t Come Bet:

Same as a Come bet only in reverse. Just as with the Don’t Pass Line, dealer willplace bet behind the Don’t Come number as it is rolled. If a 7 is rolled beforethe number the player wins. This player is betting with that a point number willNOT roll before a 7 does.


These bets win if 4, 6, 8, or 10 are thrown in pairs as pictured on the table layout.They lose when the number rolls “Easy” (not in pairs or as pictured on the tablelayout) OR if a 7 rolls first.

Number bet onPaysExampleHouse Edge
4 or 108 for 1a $5 bet wins $40, and you don’t get your original bet back11.1%
6 or 810 for 1a $5 bet pays $50, and you don’t get your original bet back9.09%